Understand how your business can help NDIS and HCP customers.
What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
The NDIS allows more than 500K Australians who have a permanent and significant disability, access to funding that they can use for supports and services to improve their quality of life.
What are Home Care Packages (HCP)?
HCPs are Government funded services that can help Senior Australians (over 65) remain at home for longer, as well as providing choice and flexibility in the way care and support is provided. There are currently over 150K HCPs in Australia which is set to grow significantly in the years to come.
What role does food & nutrition play in these programs?
It is becoming increasingly accepted regarding the importance of providing nutritious food for both NDIS & HCP participants. The programs are designed to assist in achieving this.
How do the packages work?
There is some complexity to this, however essentially participants are able to either:
- Pay for their meals upfront and then get reimbursed via their Plan Manager
- Pay for only 30% of their meals upfront, with the supplier recovering the balance directly through their Plan Manager
The reason for the 30% portion is the Government only reimburses the preparation and delivery costs, not ingredient costs. This split is standard across food businesses.
How does Cookaborough enable cooks to provide these services?
In order to claim meals, the participants are required to provide an approved tax invoice that splits the cost of the ingredients and meal preparation.
If a participant qualifies to pay only 30% upfront, the platform will automatically issue an invoice for you to their Plan Manager for the balance. Invoices are generally paid within 3-5 business days.
Why do participants love only paying the 30% upfront?
Participants are telling us they love this option as it means they are only out of pocket for a much smaller amount and don’t need to do all of the administration that they would otherwise in order to claim it back.
Who is eligible for only paying 30% upfront?
All HCP participants are able to access this function, whilst only NDIS participants on Plan-Managed accounts can access this. If NDIS participants are on Self-Managed accounts, they are required to submit a copy of the approved tax invoice and claim back via the Government’s portal.
How can a food business use these programs to grow their businesses?
These programs provide you with a great avenue to grow your businesses. As the participant is only out-of-pocket for 30% of the meal cost, they are not as price sensitive as they would otherwise be and many of these participants have also reluctantly been accessing mass produced and poor-quality food. The overwhelming feedback we have received is they love receiving fresh, nutritious meals, cooked by someone in their community that they can relate to.
Am I a ‘Registered Provider’ and can I use the NDIS logo?
It is important to note that Cookaborough is not a Registered NDIS Provider, and most of the businesses using the platform are not either, rather we are fully compliant to NDIS standards for Self-Managed and Plan-Managed participants to utilise the services of the food business.
Unless you have completed the NDIS Provider registration process, you should not make claim to being an NDIS Registered Provider. To find out more about becoming an NDIS Provider visit this website. However, to promote your support and compliance you are able to use the ‘I/we heart NDIS’ logo. These logos can be accessed via this link.
The opportunity for your food business.
The HCP and NDIS programs are growing significantly, and meals are playing a key role within this. For example there are currently over 300,000 participants in the HCP, and this is growing at least 10% each year.
Due to the nature of the relationship and the funding they receive, these customers are more likely to order multiple meals and repeatedly place orders each week. As they are also only outlying 30% of the actual cost of the meals, they are generally not as price sensitive as others.
For many food businesses using the Cookaborough platform, the HCP and NDIS programs represent the most significant part of their business. The feedback we receive from them is that it is not just because of the additional revenue but for the reward of uplifting the quality of life for people in their community.