Understand how much it costs to use Cookaborough to manage your business.
What is Cookaborough's pricing model?
How much commission does Cookaborough take on each order?
Most transactions on Cookaborough are charged 8% + GST but the exact commission amount is determined by the type of food sold and the type of order. These additions and discounts are detailed below:
Type of food sold
- Ready-made meals: The base commission for a business selling ready-made meals on Cookaborough is 8% + GST.
- Catering: The base commission for a business running catering on Cookaborough is 6% + GST per transaction.
- Artisan: Artisans include bakers (who mostly make breads and pies) and patissiers (who mostly make cakes and pastries). The base commission for selling Artisan products is 6% + GST per transaction.
Type of Customer orders
- Standard: An order made by a Standard Customer is charged at the base commission rate as per above.
- Home Care Package or NDIS Participant: Orders made by Home Care Packages or NDIS customers are charged the base commission plus an additional 2%.
- Find-A-Cook Directory Customers: Orders by customers who have connected with your business via Cookaborough’s ‘Find a Cook’ directory are charged the base commission plus an additional 2%.
- Cash & Invoice Customers: Orders made by Customers who you have approved to pay via Cash or Invoice are charged the base commission less 2%.
What is included in Cookaborough's commission?
No set-up fees
There are no fees to set up your business on Cookaborough. Our team will work with you to get your business up and running and you don’t pay a cent until you get an order.
No lock-in period
There are no lock-in contracts, you are free to stop using the platform at any time without incurring exit fees or. If you do decide to stop using the platform your data and customer details can be downloaded and taken with you.
Third party inclusions
In addition to our in-house software development, Cookaborough also pays third party companies for their specialised software services. A few examples of these integrated services included in your fee are:
- Stripe is the global payment gateway system that we use to process all your customer payments. They are one of the world’s leading payment systems with the highest level of security. Through our agreement with Stripe we provide additional services such as fraud detection on every single transaction that automatically stops suspicious transactions from going through. The fees charged by Stripe are approximately 2% of every transaction
- Sendgrid manages incoming and outgoing emails and customer notifications.
- Routific is a delivery routing tool that integrates with your orders to manage delivery routes.
- AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides hosting services, security and technical support for our software platform. AWS is the world's largest Cloud provider and is used by companies such as AirBnB, Netflix and Coca Cola.
Frequently asked questions
Do social enterprises receive a discount on commission?
TIP: OFF-SETTING FEES: You have the option to off-set your fees by adding a service fee to your customers' orders, which are subsequently paid for by your customers. Similar to credit card fees charged for various types of purchases in store and online, this option can assist you in off-setting your cookaborough fees.
the cost for each customer is negligible for them, whereas the cost for you across your whole customer base can make a big difference to your bottom line. You can opt to charge 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% or 2%.
We want you to thrive
Running a food business is hard work and margins tend to be thin.
Cookaborough currently provides our full suite of features and functions as part of the above explained fees with no exceptions, meaning that all functionality is covered in the fees. These features include online payment, recipe storage, automatic labels and nutrition panels, customisable customer management, promotional tools, menu scheduling, costing, recipe cards, order slips and pick and pack options and more.
We are built specifically to be relevant for your type of business and to provide you with the features and functions you need to thrive.
Need more help?
Online: Check out the 'Learn' tab on the Cookaborough home page for more tips, tricks and insights.
Email: If you have further questions or need assistance, contact our team.