How to guides

Add another revenue stream to your food business

1 Minute Read

Food businesses operate on extremely tight margins, plus the cost of living is forcing customers to cut back on spending. These tough times are forcing food businesses to get creative and create a multi-faceted offering in order to thrive in a modern fast-paced environment.

Australians are feeling the pinch of the cost-of-living crisis and many food businesses are suffering dearly as a result. One of the first things many have cut back on is their food budget. People are allocating less to having take-out or dining experiences, opting to try cooking at home instead.

Planning, shopping and cooking for 7 dinners a week is a task too great for most busy Australians. This has left them searching for an alternative, and this has seen the ready-made meals market grow on average by 3.3% every year. Seeing this demand to solve the dinner dilemma, Dougie who owns multiple venues in Victoria decided to try adding another source of income by creating a ready-made meal offering called the Grub Club.

Dougie - The Grub Club

Ready-Made Meals present an opportunity for food businesses to build a new revenue stream that has a high margin, simultaneously allowing you to build meaningful connections with customers, particularly those who are on the government's NDIS or HCP programmes. The most vulnerable members of our communities are always looking for access to easy-to-prepare and reliable meals, and helping them get access has been a very rewarding experience for those who have done so.

Dougie started The Grub Club with Cookaborough. His already existing food businesses had the facilities to make the food and Cookaborough is the complete software solution to get everything up and running for the grub club. He put the word out to his customer base that something new was coming in the form of The Grub Club and people responded. The Grub Club is now one of Dougie's most successful and consistent sources of revenue. It is the perfect antidote to winter foot traffic fall.

If you want to add another source of revenue to your food business, reach out to Cookaborough and get started today.




The only platform developed specifically for food businesses to start, run and grow their Ready-made meals business.

What's on the menu?
Onboarding with Care Providers for Home Care Package (HCP) Meal Services