Food for Thought

How to manage your HCP and NDIS applications

Written by Cookaborough | August 14, 2024

Learn how to manage applications from new HCP or NDIS customers.

How does the application process work?

If an HCP or an NDIS customer would like to access meals under their respective packages, there is an approval process prior to the customer being able to place their first order.

This is to ensure that, as the Meal Provider, you are not left out of pocket in the event the customer is not in fact eligible to receive the benefit.

There are two ways a customer can start the process:

1. Customers apply themselves: An HCP or NDIS customer typically would apply via your HCP section on your Cookaborough page, or via your HCP & NDIS collateral.

They are prompted to provide information such as where the invoices need to be sent prior to approving their application. Their Care Provider / Plan Manager is automatically emailed for approval.

Once approved, all parties – you, the customer and the Care Provider or Plan Manager – are notified that the account is set up and ready for use.

2. Cookaborough / yourself apply on behalf of the customer: If you have received the details of the HCP or NDIS customer directly and enter their application (or Cookaborough helps you do this), the approval process is instant with all parties notified and the below steps not required.

How to manage applications

Your HCP & NDIS applications are in Customers > HCP & NDIS.


Once the customer’s application is received, they enter a Pending state.

Once approved by the Care Provider / Plan Manager this is transferred to Accepted.

Applications can also be Rejected. This could be for customers that may think they are eligible, however are not. They may be receiving meals under a different government package, the application was duplicated, or there was incorrect information within it so it needed to be resubmitted.

If applications are sitting as Pending for longer than 2-3 days it may mean that:

  • the customer has entered the incorrect email address, so their Care Provider / Plan Manager would not have received the approval request

  • the customer’s direct contact they entered in the system may not have received the notification, due to it being sent to a generic email Inbox. This can happen with larger Care Providers or Plan Managers

  • the Care Provider or Plan Manager has not had the time to approve it

There are two very effective ways to manage Pending approvals:

1. Call the customer

Calling the customer directly to introduce yourself is a great option. Explain that you have not had confirmation of their application and ask them to contact their Care Provider / Plan Manager directly, prompting them to approve the application.

2. Contact the Care Provider or Plan Manager

Contact the Care Provider / Plan Manager to advise that you have received an application for one of their clients. Often this results in the Care Provider / Plan Manager actioning the request straight away.

If this application is with a Care Provider or Plan Manager that you haven’t worked with previously, the hold-up may be because they require you to be an onboarded service provider by their organisation. It is important to start the process. This resource outlines this process.

We always advise getting in touch with Care Providers and Plan Managers as they are a potential source of new customers, and it is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and ‘sell’ your service. This resource outlines some strategies to build these relationships.

Maintaining your applications

Regularly review your HCP & NDIS applications via your Dashboard Customers > HCP & NDIS. These are valuable potential customers and an opportunity for you to forge relationships with Care Providers and Plan Managers.

Tidy up your approvals by ‘Rejecting’ applications that are either not eligible HCP & NDIS customers, or are duplicate or incorrect applications so you only see applications with a Pending status that are in the process of being resolved.

Fill in the form below, and our team will be in touch to help you manage these meaningful opportunities presented by NDIS and HCP initiatives.